Picture Marketing With Infographics - A Woman’s Unfair Advantage

Picture marketing with infographics doesn’t get more stunning than this. It was posted on Beverley's blog where she promotes a free online education.

So why does this woman have an unfair advantage?

Well with so much technology and information around us today, there just aren’t enough hours in the day for people to take it in… It’s a physical impossibility!

When you go on the internet you are plunged into an enormous sea of information overload, and it doesn’t matter how valuable, or important that information is to you, there simply isn't enough time to digest it all.

So that’s where picture marketing with info graphics can give you an unfair advantage. Just look at how much information you can take in from this info graphic example.

If you were to try to convey all of that in an article, it would take a lot longer for the reader to soak it all up. In fact there is a good chance that it wouldn’t get read at all.

On top of that, this example is very pleasing on the eye. You don’t have to do much work take in all the messages it’s throwing at you.

While article marketing is a great way to make money, picture marketing can do the job a lot faster, as it appeals to everyone. Some people just don’t like reading, and the rest might not have the time.

Don’t think you can do this?

Just listen to what Beverley has to say…

“This is the first infographic I have produced. It's not perfect - but actually I'm pretty pleased with it for a first attempt and more importantly I feel that I am promoting WA in a way that is true to the brand and comfortable with the level of knowledge I have..”

She used a free online tool to create this amazing work of advertising art. What could picture marketing with info graphics do for your business?

via: wealthy affiliate university

Picture Marketing - Make Money With Picture Marketing

Looking for ways to make money with picture marketing?

This picture was taken from a blog post that shows a fatal mistake picture marketers make, that hinder their chances of making money.

Picture marketing is a pretty broad term in  itself. So breaking it down then, there are lots of ways pictures can be marketed, and therefore make money for yourself.

In fact the prospects for making money from pictures are becoming more and more feasible as time go’s on. How is that so?

Since the internet is becoming more, and more of a visual place with the advent of picture sharing sites, like Facebook and the likes.

The latest picture marketers paradise is Pinterest, a site almost totally focused on pictures, where you can make money by linking your pictures to your website (assuming that you’ve monetized it first)

You can make money with beautiful pictures, that will attract attention and get shared. You can make money with funny pictures, in fact you can make money with pretty much any picture, as long as you market it effectively.

So how do you do that then?

Well if you’re marketing you’re pictures on any social media, you will draw more attention by having bold headline, or text accompanying the picture.

Many marketers have been very successful in making money with their pictures by getting thousands of likes, and shares on facebook, they  often do this by adding text to a picture that tugs at the heartstrings, or is incredibly funny.

With Pinterest, there is an even greater opportunity, where your pictures will get repined.

But before you go adding some text to market your pictures, there is a right way and a wrong way to do it.

While it’s true that a picture may on it’s own paint a thousand words, adding some text will make the picture more focused on the message you want to get out there.

In other words you can make your pictures more targeted for the customers you want to attract. The power of imagery then strengthens your message, and captivates your audience.

That is the right way to do it. But some people get it all wrong, by using too much text.

Ever heard of literally adding a thousand words to a picture? Check out this blog post.

Optical Illusions - Now You Can Look Like A Magazine Cover Girl (And Eat As Much As You Want)

Are you worried about gaining a few pounds over the festive period? Why bother, when you can do the optical illusions magazine cover girl trick?

With the whole world now being as fake as a Versace handbag from China, why not join in on all the fun? Every magazine cover girl is airbrushed on photoshop. None of them are real.

What you see on the cover of any magazine is not what the girl really looks like. If you’re worried about all those photos of you enjoying yourself spreading all over the internet, stop it.

It’s easy to get yourself accustomed to using photoshop, so that you can edit all your photos. Why not download the free version called Gimp? It has easy to follow tutorials and they’re fun too.

If you’re in a hurry, and it’s urgent to edit a particular photo you’re worried about, then Pixlr.com is an online photo editor, that’s been simplified, and is super easy to use.

I find that when I spend all day studying exciting new things with technology, I’m not thinking about food. In fact sometimes I forget to eat altogether! And end up losing a few pounds.

This might happen to you too. In which case you might not need to bother with the magazine cover girl optical illusion after all.

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