Fearne Cotton Takes A Break From 'Celebrity Juice'

Fearne Cotton revealed to fans last night that she will not be in the next series of Celebrity Juice. Her post on Twitter said:

"Thanks for all the kind tweets  about my announcement on last nights celebrity juice. I will miss doing the show massively next series."

Pregnant Fearne will be cutting back on her work schedule and the reason she gave was that she wanted to devote as much time as possible to her baby. And quite right too. Motherhood is a new experience for Cotton as this will be her first child.

Don’t be too disappointed though, she did point out though that she will back, and that this is only a temporary blip in her career.

via: entertainment wisewenn.com
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Curly Wedding Hairstyles: Top 10 Beautiful Curly Wedding Hairstyles

pictures of curly wedding hairstyles
These top 10 curly wedding hairstyles will blow you away. Just see how beautiful a curly hairstyle can look on your wedding day.

Curly hair is a fabulous look for a wedding hairstyle. These pictures show you a variety of beautiful brides all sporting the curly hair style.

Look at how amazing a long, and flowing lightly curled hairstyle can look! But even if you are going to have short hair on your wedding day, included in this top 10 wedding hairstyle list are amazing curly styles for ladies with shorter hair.

If you have naturally curly hair, then you are already at an advantage, if you want a perfect curly hairstyle on your wedding day. It will be so much easier for your hairstylist to create a curly style when there is a natural curl running through your hair in the first place.

Look how vibrant, a curly style can give you. The long, softly intertwined curly hair downs are an exceptionally feminine look for a wedding. Whilst the curly hair ups are equally feminine, especially when the curls are soft, and flowing.

If your wedding hairstyle is going to be short and curly, a good hairstylist can make you look very elegant indeed. Then your short curly hair can be enhanced with a beautiful veil.

Some of these hairstyles feature curly wedding hair accessories, some of them don’t. Choosing any of these curly styles is sure to put a smile on your face, come your wedding day.

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3d Optical illusions Pictures: A 3d illusion That Sucks You Into Space

Kaia Nao is somewhat of a 3d optical illusions expert. This picture is not moving at all, but it tricks your eyes into believing that you are moving forward, and being sucked into the centre.

You feel like you are moving forward uncontrollably. The illusion makes it appear as if the walls on this passageway are moving. It feels like you are being drawn by some heavenly force, through this grand departure lounge into the universe. A force similar to gravity, yet you appear to be getting pulled horizontally.

Amazingly you notice, that you are on another planet, or perhaps some type of spacecraft, because you see a picture of what looks like the planet earth. Is the telephone on the right hand side part of the illusion, or is it there so that you can phone for help?

via: mighty optical illusions

Beautiful Autumn Pictures

Autumn doesn’t have to be so dull and depressing as most people expect it to be. These beautiful autumn pictures will inspire in you a warm and comforting feeling, that you just cannot get in the fullest of summer.

Sure it’s not the same as that summer feeling of holiday’s and fun, it’s just different. Yes it’s getting colder outside, but from the warmth of your home, you can gaze outside at the new pictures, and beautiful colors that are emerging.

Be inspired, and embrace the beauty of autumn. Look at these beautiful autumn colors, from the elaborately lavish, to the simple, but enchanting. These autumn pictures invoke feelings of warm romanticism, with the rush of a hot espresso.

photos via: this is glamorous

Adrian Limani: Man Slam Dunks And Jumps Over The Moon Photographer

Adrian Limani Photographs

Just look at these spectacular pictures created by young photographer Adrian Limani. He has photographed his brother, as the man that slam dunks and jumps over the moon.

Limani aged twenty one, has featured the moon, a beautiful celestial body interacting effortlessly with blacked out images of mankind on earth.

Have you ever gazed at the images in the sky? The moon, and the clouds, and had your eyes play tricks? Have you ever pictured something funny, or surreal? What about a face in the sky?

The scenes Adrian depicts in these beautiful photographs, range from comical, to energetic. To thoughtful, and romantic. Limani claims the key is all about observation. He says…

"It's about finding something interesting in an ordinary place. I've found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them."

I think that’s so true. We all look at things in different ways. And usually we just see things for what they are. These photos prove that no matter how ordinary, or boring something appears to be, with a creative imagination there is always something spectacular to be found.

via: news

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